Mauricio Montes.
Director y guionista
Escritor, director y guionista audiovisual. Tomó un taller de dirección y producción cinematográfica en la Universidad de Nueva York (NYU). Allí realizó un corto titulado Good bye, presente en múltiples festivales. Ha escrito y dirigido 11 documentales, entre ellos el documental Diario de un sueño, ganador del premio India Catalina a mejor documental en el Festival de cine de Cartagena 2014. Dirigió la campaña Taxirockola Chevrolet ganadora del León de bronce en Cannes 2009. También trabajó como co-guionista en la serie y película animada Sabogal, presente en la selección oficial del Festival Internacional de cine de animación de Annecy, 2015. Ha trabajado en proyectos para Discovery Channel, Caracol Televisión, Rhayuela Films, Laberinto Cine y TV, Telemundo, etc. Ha publicado varios cuentos premiados como parte de varias antologías; y las novelas Desde la vergüenza (dentro de la colección Inmigrantes V de El Peregrino Ediciones); y Pogo (Pensamientos Imperfectos Editorial). En 2020, dirigió la serie de ficción Los Bizcochos de Rubiela y escribió la serie documental Tribus sobre ruedas, ambos proyectos ganadores de las convocatorias audiovisuales de Mintic – Abre Cámara. Actualmente se encuentra en etapa de desarrollo de su primer largometraje Cansado de ser feliz, seleccionado para el XI encuentro de coproducción del Festival de cine de Guadalajara; y la serie Orejas, seleccionada en la sección BAM Stories del Bogotá Audiovisual Market y en la sección SoloSeriesS de Ventana Sur 2021.
MAURICIO MONTES. Writer and director
Writer and audiovisual producer. He has also worked on other things: dentist, something that seems from a previous life, but corresponds to this one. Storyteller, while attending psychotherapy to get rid of that first profession. Waiter, during the time he studied film in San Francisco (California), a job in which humility came in the form of corns on the feet and back pain. University professor, both in dentistry and audiovisual production; And well, as a script reader and analyst, something that he greatly enjoys because it continues to teach him how to write. Upon his return to Colombia, he worked as an editor, assistant director, and director. Five years later, he took a filmmaking and production workshop at New York University. There, he made a short entitled "Good bye", presented at multiple festivals. He has written and directed eleven documentaries, including the documentary "Diary of a dream", winner of the India Catalina award for best documentary at the Cartagena Film Festival 2014, and the documentary series "Made in Colombia" for Discovery Channel 2017. He also worked as a co-writer on the series and animated film "Sabogal", present in the official selection of the Annecy International Animated Film Festival 2015. As a writer, he has published the stories "Leche de amnesia", "Asombrado", "Desidia", and the novel "Desde la vergüenza" (Immigrants V. El peregrino Ediciones), which narrates his experience in San Francisco. His latest novel, "Pogo", was released at the Bogotá Book Fair 2019.
MAURICIO MONTES. Writer and director
Writer and audiovisual producer. He has also worked on other things: dentist, something that seems from a previous life, but corresponds to this one. Storyteller, while attending psychotherapy to get rid of that first profession. Waiter, during the time he studied film in San Francisco (California), a job in which humility came in the form of corns on the feet and back pain. University professor, both in dentistry and audiovisual production; And well, as a script reader and analyst, something that he greatly enjoys because it continues to teach him how to write. Upon his return to Colombia, he worked as an editor, assistant director, and director. Five years later, he took a filmmaking and production workshop at New York University. There, he made a short entitled "Good bye", presented at multiple festivals. He has written and directed eleven documentaries, including the documentary "Diary of a dream", winner of the India Catalina award for best documentary at the Cartagena Film Festival 2014, and the documentary series "Made in Colombia" for Discovery Channel 2017. He also worked as a co-writer on the series and animated film "Sabogal", present in the official selection of the Annecy International Animated Film Festival 2015. As a writer, he has published the stories "Leche de amnesia", "Asombrado", "Desidia", and the novel "Desde la vergüenza" (Immigrants V. El peregrino Ediciones), which narrates his experience in San Francisco. His latest novel, "Pogo", was released at the Bogotá Book Fair 2019.
Lina Ferrari.
Productora Ejecutiva y Guionista
Psicóloga Clínica de profesión. La producción y la escritura de guiones llegó a su vida a raíz del primer proyecto que escribió con su socio Mauricio Montes, el largometraje Cansado de ser feliz, proyecto en desarrollo seleccionado en el XI encuentro de coproducción del Festival de cine de Guadalajara. Así, desde el año 2014, trabaja como productora ejecutiva de los videos corporativos realizados Ajna Cinema y fue productora ejecutiva de Los Bizcochos de Rubiela, la primera serie totalmente producida por Ajna. Actualmente se encuentra desarrollando su próximo proyecto Yo soy la mujer que las feministas odian.
LINA FERRARI. Executive Producer and screenwriter
Clinical Psychologist. Production and screenwriting came into her life as a result of the first project she wrote with her partner Mauricio Montes, the feature film Cansado de ser feliz, a project in development selected at the XI coproduction meeting of the Guadalajara Film Festival. Thus, since 2014, she has been working as executive producer of corporate videos made by Ajna Cinema and was executive producer of Los Bizcochos de Rubiela, the first TV series entirely produced by Ajna. She is currently developing her next two projects: Orejas and Yo soy la mujer que las feministas odian.
LINA FERRARI. Executive Producer and screenwriter
Clinical Psychologist. Production and screenwriting came into her life as a result of the first project she wrote with her partner Mauricio Montes, the feature film Cansado de ser feliz, a project in development selected at the XI coproduction meeting of the Guadalajara Film Festival. Thus, since 2014, she has been working as executive producer of corporate videos made by Ajna Cinema and was executive producer of Los Bizcochos de Rubiela, the first TV series entirely produced by Ajna. She is currently developing her next two projects: Orejas and Yo soy la mujer que las feministas odian.
Andrea Corzo
Formada profesionalmente como productora audiovisual en Cali, la meca del cine colombiano, en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Sus directores sembraron en ella la pasión por la narrativa, la dirección de actores y el montaje. Ha sido productora ejecutiva, montajista, directora de casting y gestora de proyectos. Ha trabajado en los formatos clásicos como el largometraje de ficción y las series para televisión, así como en los nuevos formatos para web.
En el 2013 se vincula en Laberinto como productora y desarrolla diferentes proyectos de ficción tales como “La Tusa, los hombres también Lloran”, “¿A qué sabe Colombia?, las series web “Los Hinchas” “Venga le digo”; entre otras producciones. Fue gerente de producción de los largometrajes “Antes del fuego” y “El cartel de la papa”. En el 2020 recibe un premio de parte de El Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones para producir una serie de ficción “Los Bizcochos de Rubiela”. En el 2021 se vincula en la producción de una serie para Amazon prime “Noticia de un secuestro” dirigida por Andrés Wood.
Professionally trained as an audiovisual producer in Cali, the mecca of Colombian cinema, at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Her directors instilled in her a passion for storytelling, directing actors and editing. She has been an executive producer, editor, casting director and project manager. She has worked in classic formats such as feature films and television series, as well as in new formats for the web. In 2013 she joined Laberinto as a producer and developed different fiction projects such as "La Tusa, los hombres también Lloran", "¿A qué sabe Colombia?", the web series "Los Hinchas" "Venga le digo"; among other productions. He was production manager of the feature films "Antes del fuego" and "El cartel de la papa". In 2020 he received an award from the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications to produce a fiction TV series "Los Bizcochos de Rubiela". In 2021 he is involved in the production of a series for Amazon prime "Noticia de un secuestro" directed by Andrés Wood.
En el 2013 se vincula en Laberinto como productora y desarrolla diferentes proyectos de ficción tales como “La Tusa, los hombres también Lloran”, “¿A qué sabe Colombia?, las series web “Los Hinchas” “Venga le digo”; entre otras producciones. Fue gerente de producción de los largometrajes “Antes del fuego” y “El cartel de la papa”. En el 2020 recibe un premio de parte de El Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones para producir una serie de ficción “Los Bizcochos de Rubiela”. En el 2021 se vincula en la producción de una serie para Amazon prime “Noticia de un secuestro” dirigida por Andrés Wood.
Professionally trained as an audiovisual producer in Cali, the mecca of Colombian cinema, at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Her directors instilled in her a passion for storytelling, directing actors and editing. She has been an executive producer, editor, casting director and project manager. She has worked in classic formats such as feature films and television series, as well as in new formats for the web. In 2013 she joined Laberinto as a producer and developed different fiction projects such as "La Tusa, los hombres también Lloran", "¿A qué sabe Colombia?", the web series "Los Hinchas" "Venga le digo"; among other productions. He was production manager of the feature films "Antes del fuego" and "El cartel de la papa". In 2020 he received an award from the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications to produce a fiction TV series "Los Bizcochos de Rubiela". In 2021 he is involved in the production of a series for Amazon prime "Noticia de un secuestro" directed by Andrés Wood.
Óscar Adán.
Guionista y realizador audiovisual
Docente, realizador audiovisual y escritor graduado del programa de Cine y TV de la Universidad Nacional; magíster en Educación de la Universidad Javeriana; y estudios complementarios en guion cinematográfico en el DIS de La Universidad de Guadalajara. Se ha desempeñado como autor de contenidos para editoriales, docente en diferentes universidades para programas de Cine y Comunicación Social, libretista radial, guionista de novelas gráficas para Editorial Planeta y guionista independiente para productoras audiovisuales. Sus textos literarios han sido publicados por la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá y Pensamientos Imperfectos Editorial. Mención de Honor, Mejor Cortometraje Nacional del Ministerio de Cultura (2013); finalista, Bogotá en 100 palabras (2017); finalista, Taller de Novela Corta FCE (2018); y ganador del estímulo Escritura de Guion para Largometraje, Fondo para el Desarrollo Cinematográfico (2019).
ÓSCAR ADÁN. Writer and Filmmaker
Teacher, filmmaker and writer graduated from the Film and TV program at the Universidad Nacional; Master's degree in Education from the Universidad Javeriana; and complementary studies in film scriptwriting at the DIS of the Universidad de Guadalajara. He has worked as an author of contents for publishing houses, teacher in different universities for Film and Social Communication programs, radio scriptwriter, scriptwriter of graphic novels for Editorial Planeta and independent scriptwriter for audiovisual production companies. His literary texts have been published by the Mayor's Office of Bogota and Pensamientos Imperfectos Editorial. Honorable Mention, Best National Short Film, Ministry of Culture (2013); finalist, Bogotá en 100 palabras (2017); finalist, Taller de Novela Corta FCE (2018); and winner of the incentive Scriptwriting for Feature Film, Fondo para el Desarrollo Cinematográfico (2019).
ÓSCAR ADÁN. Writer and Filmmaker
Teacher, filmmaker and writer graduated from the Film and TV program at the Universidad Nacional; Master's degree in Education from the Universidad Javeriana; and complementary studies in film scriptwriting at the DIS of the Universidad de Guadalajara. He has worked as an author of contents for publishing houses, teacher in different universities for Film and Social Communication programs, radio scriptwriter, scriptwriter of graphic novels for Editorial Planeta and independent scriptwriter for audiovisual production companies. His literary texts have been published by the Mayor's Office of Bogota and Pensamientos Imperfectos Editorial. Honorable Mention, Best National Short Film, Ministry of Culture (2013); finalist, Bogotá en 100 palabras (2017); finalist, Taller de Novela Corta FCE (2018); and winner of the incentive Scriptwriting for Feature Film, Fondo para el Desarrollo Cinematográfico (2019).